One of the Editors for their excellent magazine is Rob Collister, a keen supporter of Natur Cymru; you can read his article on unwanted fencing in the mountains in #36 – it was a runner-up in our competition. Their latest magazine is all about outdoor recreation in Snowdonia. Rob invited me to write an article for them on the mountain birds of Snowdonia, which is on pages 18 & 19. It is based on a spring walk from Bethesda to Capel Curig, and the typical birds you can see along the way – some of which are quite special to Snowdonia. It includes photos of a Chough and a Reed Bunting, kindly provided by Malcolm Griffith.
The Editor chose not to use Malcolm’s Raven so I’m including this here instead. Other articles cover a wide range of outdoor activities in the Park, some of which may impact on the natural environment. Helen Berry writes about the feeling of wilderness and what she most dislikes in the mountains – discarded rubbish, low-flying jets, noisy groups of people, off-road bikes…..
There’s plenty of interest here and you can read all the articles by going to http://issuu.com/cymdeithaseryri/docs/snowdonia_soc_mag_spring_2012
There’s plenty of interest here and you can read all the articles by going to http://issuu.com/cymdeithaseryri/docs/snowdonia_soc_mag_spring_2012
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