Tŷ Hyll (the
Ugly House) is a showcase for honeybees doing pioneering conservation work to
create a plentiful supply of local queens; but what about the other 2,000 different
species of insect that might be living in the grounds? Many insects are
declining in numbers, such as bumblebees and solitary bees, and could do with a
helping hand. To that end we have built an insect hotel designed and supervised
by Rosie Barratt from the North Wales Wildlife Trust and assisted by two
students from Bangor.
Our hotel is
a luxurious, five-storey affair set into the hillside with a south facing
aspect overlooking the Ugly House and the Afon Llugwy. No expense was spared in obtaining the materials
with five discarded pallets, begged from a local builders merchant, creating
the main structure. You can tell it’s a Welsh hotel as it has a slate roof with
what looks like a bit of pond liner beneath to keep the bug beds (not bed bugs)
nice and dry.
If you want
to build your own I can strongly recommend enlisting Rosie’s assistance. But in
case she is not available here below are some instructions borrowed from a
Wildlife Trust website.
Where to
site your insect hotel?
invertebrates like cool damp conditions, so you can site your habitat in semi
shade, by a hedge or under a tree. Putting the habitat close to other wildlife
features, such as an overgrown hedge, a shrubbery or a pond will make it easier
for small creatures to find it. Not all creatures like to be in the shade:
solitary bees like a warm sunny spot, so put tubes for bees on the sunniest side
of the habitat, or put them elsewhere in the garden. Choose a level, even
surface: the hotel may end up fairly heavy, so will need a firm base.
Drilling bug beds -
cunningly camouflaged so as not to alarm the bees |
The basic
Old pallets,
preferably the same size, are ideal for
the basic structure; the more you can use recycled or reclaimed materials the better.
The hotel does not need to be more than 5 pallets high. If you place the bottom
pallet upside down, this should create larger openings at the ends, which can
be used for a hedgehog house. Although the structure should be stable, you
might want to secure each pallet to the one below.
Filling the
gaps or furnishing the bedrooms
There are
many different ways to fill the gaps in the structure, here are some
Dead wood -
this is an increasingly rare habitat as we tidy our gardens, parks and amenity
It is essential for the larvae of wood-boring beetles, such as the stag beetle.
It also supports many fungi, which help break down the woody material. Crevices
under the bark hold centipedes and woodlice.
Holes for
solitary bees - there are many different species of solitary bee and all are
excellent pollinators.
The female bee lays an egg on top of a mass of pollen at the end of a hollow
tube, she then seals the entrance with a plug of mud. A long tube can hold several
such cells. Hollow stems, such as old bamboo canes, or holes drilled into
blocks of wood, make good nest sites for solitary bees. Holes of different
diameters mean many different species can be catered for. You can make a home
for solitary bees by collecting old canes or pieces of hollow plant stems, then
placing in a length of plastic drain-pipe or a section from a plastic drinks
bottle. You can also build a wooden shelter, similar to a bird box. Solitary
bees like warmth, so place your habitat in a sunny spot. Bees use
differing ways to seal their egg chambers: look out for canes blocked with
dried mud or bits of leaf.
Frog hole - stones
and tiles provide the cool damp conditions that frogs and other amphibians need.
Amphibians also need a frost free place to spend the winter; this could be in
the centre of the hotel.
Straw and
hay provide many opportunities for invertebrates to burrow in and find safe hibernation
Dry leaves
provide homes for a variety of invertebrates; this mimics the litter on the
forest floor.
Loose bark -
beetles, centipedes, spiders and woodlice all lurk beneath the decaying wood
and bark. Woodlice and millipedes help to break down woody plant material and are
essential parts of the garden recycling system.
Crevices - many garden invertebrates need a safe place to
hibernate in through the winter. Our insect hotel
has many different types of crannies and crevices that different species of
invertebrate can hide in over winter.
homes - lacewings and their larvae consume large numbers of aphids, as well as
other garden
pests. You can make a home for lacewings by rolling up a piece of corrugated
cardboard and putting it
in a waterproof cylinder, such as an old lemonade bottle.
Ladybirds and
their larvae are champion aphid munchers! The adults hibernate over winter and
they need dry sticks or leaves to hide in.
Bumblebees -
every spring queen bumblebees search for a site to build a nest and found a new
colony. An upturned flowerpot in a warm sheltered place might be used.
producing plants - why not plant some nectar-rich flowers in the hotel’s garden.
These provide essential food for butterflies, bees and many other flying